Casino woorden met een O

Alle woorden uit het casino met de letter O
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Objective = A strategic planning term that refers to the measurable goal that an organization plans to reach in a specific time frame (e.g., a company plans a 5 percent growth rate by next January).
Observational Learning = When people learn by watching others (e.g., people watch the table play in order to learn the game before sitting down to play).
Occupancy Data = In casinos, the actual count of individual machine usage.
Occupancy Percentage = A statistical term that shows the ratio of the number of rooms sold to rooms available for sale during a specific period of time, expressed as a percentage.
Occupancy Report = Front-office statement that shows which rooms were sold and inhabited.
Occupied = The front-office term for a room in which a guest is cur-rently registered.
Octant = In roulette, a term referring to a group of any live numbers that are physically adjacent around the wheel.
Odds = Ratio or probability that one event wilt happen over another.
Odd Splitters = Dice that are misspotted to make it impossi bie for the shooter to roll either of the odd point numbers, live or nine.
Off = In craps, a term that a bet is off or not in action for a specific roll of the dice.
Office = Any kind of secret sign given between cheats.
Off-Number = Bet In craps, a bet that the shooter will, or will not, throw a specified number other than her point before throwing a seven.
Off Numbers = In craps, the box numbers including four, five, six, eight, nine, and ten.
Off the Board = An event that is declared ineligible for wagering that may result from uncertainty caused by injury to a key player.
Off the Rail = Observing a gambling game from behind the players but not playing.
Off the Square = Honest.
Off the Street = Getting a job without knowing anyone at the casino, as in “Joe came in off the street.”
Off the Top = In card games, the beginning of the deck or shoe imme¬diately after the shuffle.
Off-Track Betting = Betting that takes place somewhere other than at the actual racetrack.
Oligopoly = In economics, a term referring to the competitive environ¬ment in which a few large corporations control the market.
On-Change = A front-office term signifying that a guest has departed but the room needs to be4 cleaned and prepared for the new guest. One-Armed Bandit Slot machine.
One Big = One One thousand dollars.
One-Down = In craps, announcement by the stickperson that one die has fallen off the table.
One-Eyed Jack = In poker, a term referring to when the jack of hearts and spades are used as wild cards.
One-Number = Bet In craps, a bet that a specific number will or will not be thrown before another number.
One-Roll = Bet In craps, a term referring to a wager that will be de-cided on the next roll of the dice.
Online = A computer term referring to hardware that is capable of interacting directly with the central processing unit.
On the Rail = A person who watches, but does not play, a game
On the Square = Fair, honest.
On the Stick = In craps, a dealers’ term referring to the rotation of deal¬ers after a work break when the new stickman begins the game or is on the stick.
On the Up-and-Up = Straight, honest game.
On the Wall = A criminal’s term for the person who is assigned to be the lookout for approaching police.
OOO = An abbreviation for out of order.
Open = (1) In hotels, a term referring to the fact that rooms are stilt available. (2) In poker, the beginning bet of the game.
Open Craps = When side bets among the players are permitted. Open-Door Policy Employee problem resolution process in which the workers can go directly to higher level managers.
Open-Ended Questions = In research, a term referring to the type of questions in which respondents are free to reply in their own words.
Open-End Straight = In poker, when the first four cards dealt are in numerical sequence and a fifth card is needed for the bottom or top to make a straight.
Opener = (1) In poker, when the minimum hand needed to begin a poker pot is usually a pair of jacks or betten (2) A casino term that refers to the slip of paper in the chip tray or check bank showing the amount of chip value for opening the game.
Open Up = (1) A casino term to start a game. (2) Usually in a criminal context, a person who gives information or opens up with some pressure.
Operant Conditioning = A learning theor?that views behavior as a re¬action to a stimulus because of expected reinforcement; for example, Sally sees a slot machine at the end of the aisle, pulls the lever, and receives ten dollars. The next time this situation occurs, Sally will be likely to try again because she was rewarded with ten dollars the last time.
Operating Costs = In management, money needed to pay the day-to¬day expenses of a corporation.
Opinion Leaders = People who are looked to for advice by others; for example, Sam always wins at poker so people ask him for sugges¬tions on improving their game.
Optimization Models = In economics, a statistical method for analyz¬ing data by maximizing some criteria.
Option = Choice of actions.
Order for Credit = A two-part document used by a pit floor supervisor to send a credit of chips, tokens, coin, and/or markers from a specific gaming table to the casino cage.
Order for Fill = A two-part document used by a pit floor supervisor to inform the casino cage that a specific table is in need of a table fill of specific chip denominations.
Ordinal Scale = In research, a term referring to the measurement of re¬sponses in which numbers are assigned on the basis of some order (one to five, best to worst).
Organizational Culture = The pattern of beliefs and expectations shared by organizational members (e.g., in the 1800s, the organizational cul¬ture in casinos was to obey the owner without question).
Organizational Structure = In management, the formally designed framework of authority and task relationships in an organization.
Organization Chart = In management, a term referring to the diagram of relationships between positions within an organization.
Orientation = Process of introducing a new employee to the job and organization.
OTB = An abbreviation for off-track betting.
Our Money = A term used to describe the situation in which a winning player is believed by casino personnel to be placing her wagers with money that has been won from the casino.
Out in Front = When a player wins more than she loses.
Outlier = In research, a term referring to a response or data point that is radically different from the rest of the responses.
Out of Order = (000) A guestroom that cannot be used.
Outside = In roulette, the bets placed outside the table layout of the boxes for the thirty-seven or thirty-eight numbers.
Outside Man = (1) A casino employee who observes from outside the pit. (2) Someone who is part of a cheating team.
Outside Ticket = A keno ticket, normally computer-generated, that is presented to the player after the inside ticket and wager are received; indicates the numbers selected, the amount of the wager, and the game number.
Outside Work = A cheating term that refers to anything done to the surface of the dice.
Overage = When the total of cash and checks in a register is greater than the initial bank plus net cash receipts.
Overboard = To be unable to pay off on gambling debts.
Overbooking = When a service organization accepts reservations that outnumber available units.
Overhead = Expenses that are needed to maintain the day-to-day func¬tions of the firm.
Overlay = (1) In betting, a development when the odds are greater than they should be. (2) A player who bets more than his bankroll.